About Me
I am a conservatory-trained musician. I graduated with honors from the Cleveland Institute of Music with a bachelor’s degree in viola performance and later earned graduate degrees in musicology.
I have additional training in playing for people who are critically ill. Through MHTP (Music for Healing & Transition Program), I earned credentials as a CMP (Certified Music Practitioner) on harp, voice, and viola. I have played extensively for staff and patients in intensive care, neonatal intensive care, dementia care, and hospice care facilities.
I am active internationally as a music historian. As a Fulbright scholar, I worked with medieval manuscripts in archives in Würzburg, Germany and Saint Gall, Switzerland. I keep busy with academic publications and presentations in Europe and North America.
After seven years of work to uncover the historic music sung for the dying during the Middle Ages, I am thrilled that Music in Medieval Rituals for the End of Life is now available from Oxford University Press.